In the administrator "Main" dashboard you'll find several points of information breaking down your calls
- Outbound Calls - This will show the total outbound calls made based on what you filtered
- Connected Calls - How many of calls made were connected with a contact
- Average Call Duration - How long connected calls last on average
- Average Agent Wait Time - How long your agents wait to be connected with a contact on average
Abandon Rate - The percentage of contacts that are being dropped off on calls. This includes:
- If you have a multi line dialer account and are dialing multiple people at once, the system will connect you to whoever answers first and the others will be marked as "abandoned"
- If a contact hangs up while your call is in progress, they will be marked as "abandoned"
You should aim to have this under 15-20% .
- Active Campaigns - This will show you how many campaigns are currently being actively dialed on
- Leads Generated - How many contacts turned into "Leads" - this is based on call results used at the end of a connected call. If a call result (like "successful sale") has a rule to "mark as lead" it will show here.
- Connect Rate - The percentage of calls being connected to the following :
(this is calculated by dividing your "connected calls" number by your "outbound calls" number, then by multiplying it by 100 to get your percentage.
- A live contact
- a voicemail
We consider a minimum of 15% - 20% and higher to be good connectivity. This can vary based on several factors, such as how good your phone numbers are, how many phone numbers you're using in a campaign, if your contact list has quality information, campaign settings etc.
(see our best practices here if yours need improvement)
- Dialing Time - How long your team has dialed in total based on the filters you set (like date range etc)
- Average Calls Per Agent - How many calls each agent is making on average
- Calls Per Connect - How many calls it take to connect with a contact on average
- Voicemails Reached - How many contacts' voicemails have been reached in total (this will include answering machines marked by the system)